Young Eritreans are victims of poor decision making by British asylum officials

Young Eritreans are victims of poor decision making by British asylum officials

The Home Office has been criticised for a policy which excluded Eritrean children evicted from the Calais Jungle camp from resettlement in the UK. Documents obtained by the Public Law Project show how asylum decisions for Eritreans have been based on questionable information about conditions in the country.

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asylum Home Office Eritrea guidance softened to reduce asylum seeker numbers

asylum Home Office Eritrea guidance softened to reduce asylum seeker numbers

Information downplayed rights abuses and meant some Eritrean children in Calais were refused entry to UK


The Home Office used the lower grant rates as a reason for excluding almost all Eritrean children in the Calais refugee camp aged 13-15. Photograph: David Levene for the Guardian

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What will happen to Eritrean asylum seekers after Israel deports them?

What will happen to Eritrean asylum seekers after Israel deports them?

|Published January 20, 2017

What will happen to Eritrean asylum seekers after Israel deports them?

The Israeli government must not withhold information from the public about the dangers faced by Eritrean asylum seekers it is planning to deport.

By Sigal Avivi

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Eritrea: Release Patriarch Abune Antonios

Eritrea: Release Patriarch Abune Antonios

WASHINGTON, D.C. – January 20, 2017 marks the 11-year anniversary of the Eritrean government’s illegal removal of Abune Antonios as the rightful Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Church, the nation’s largest religious community. The Patriarch has been detained since 2007: His “crime” was his refusal to excommunicate 3,000 parishioners who opposed the government.
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Humanitarian Action for Children 2017 - Eritrea

Humanitarian Action for Children 2017 - Eritrea

from UN Children's Fund
Published on 09 Jan 2017 View Original

Total people in need: 2 million

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French court acquits researcher of aiding Eritrean migrants

French court acquits researcher of aiding Eritrean migrants

On Friday 6 January, a court in Nice, southern France, acquitted Pierre-Alain Mannoni for helping three Eritrean women who had crossed the border from Italy.

"In France today we have the right to save people in distress," said researcher Pierre-Alain Mannoni, who faced a potential six-month suspended jail sentence for aiding Eritrean migrants who came into France from Italy.

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The Soccer-Star Refugees of Eritrea

The Soccer-Star Refugees of Eritrea

Around eleven o’clock on the night of October 10, 2015, Samson Arefaine learned that he had been selected to play on the national soccer team of Eritrea, a sliver of a nation in the Horn of Africa. For two months, he had been in a training camp in the capital, Asmara, with thirty-three other men, vying for ten open spots on the Red Sea Camels. Now the team was due to fly to Botswana in less than two hours, to play in a World Cup qualifying match. Arefaine needed to pack quickly, so he ran to his room, in a house that team officials had arranged for players to use during the camp. The house had no electricity, and he struggled to see in the dark, but he managed to throw some shirts, shorts, and sandals into a bag. On the way to the airport, he called his parents and told them the exciting news.


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Is the EU attempting to protect the Eritrean dictatorship?

Is the EU attempting to protect the Eritrean dictatorship?

EU plans to try and stop the flow of refugees from Eritrea are causing officials to downplay a UN report into potential crimes against humanity by the regime.

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Teenage refugee preparing for first Christmas in Hertfordshire after fleeing Eritrea

Teenage refugee preparing for first Christmas in Hertfordshire after fleeing Eritrea

A teenage refugee from Eritrea is ready for her first Christmas in Hertfordshire after being fostered by a family in Mercury land.

Ten girls from the east African country and Ethiopia arrived in the county in October after the 'Jungle' refugee camp in Calais was dismantled.

They had traveled around 3,350 miles unaccompanied for more than a year, fleeing harrowing circumstances in their home countries.


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